Re-launch & Give Me Some Feedback!

Hi fellow polish addicts,

It's Jeanette here. I hope you girls can tell that I've decided to give a great effort on making this blog work. My life has taken a change of course, so I'm looking to start up a hobby that will help me deal with everything that is going on with me privately. I knew I already had this blog, but I also knew I had been shamefully neglecting it. That prompted my decision a little over a week ago to dedicate myself to this blog as my new hobby (Can't you tell by the spamming of posts over that short time?). My hobby was already nail polish, so it seemed like the natural choice.

I've given the blog a new name because I found the old one boring and not creative. It was more like a screen name, and it will remain my screen name for other venues. Now, however, I wanted something that defined my purpose for this blog and that belongs solely to this blog. The new name is A Nail Tale. It might not be super creative, but I thought it was girly with the play on the word fairy tale, so I'm happy with it. Let me know what you guys think!

From this point forward, my goal is to do at least 2 or 3 posts a week. I think that's realistic. It's not too much for me to handle and it's not too few for you girls. My question for you, however, is what do you girls want to see in this blog? It's important to me that this blog is enjoyable for all you girls. I have no blog without the amazing readers I've already had and undoubtedly the new ones I'll hopefully gain in the new future. What are your favorite subjects to read about on nail polish blogs? Are you girls interested in swatches, nail art, etc? Please let me know in the comments!

Thanks for listening and participating on my re-launch of this blog! I hope to be a better nail polish blogger for all of you! Here's to more blogging!



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