First Look: The Muppets OPI Collection

The Muppets collection by OPI is scheduled to be released at the end of this year. It is the holiday collection for 2011.

From left to right the colors are...
Warm & Fozzie
Rainbow Connection
Fresh Frog of Bel Air
Gettin' Miss Piggy With It!
Gone Gonzo!
Divine Swine

Top Row...
Excuse Moi!
Designer... de Better!

Bottom Row...
Wocka Wocka!
Pepe's Purple Passion

There will of course be a mini set released alongside the full size collection. The usual four colors will be released in this set.

From left to right the colors are...
Wocka Wocka!
Excuse Moi!
Designer... de Better!
Warm & Fozzie

OMG! This collection is amazing! I cannot wait for this to come out! I'm am going to be all over the glitters! OPI never fails to deliver with their holiday collections. Rainbow Connection looks delicious! Holidays, come now!

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