Update: Where Have I Been?!

Hey guys!

I know it's been over a month since I updated, but I promise I have good reasons for that. First, I was asked to work full time for the first few weeks of June, which just about killed me! Haha! I have an hour commute to work and an hour from. Basically, I had 10-11 hour days, so I was too darn tired to do anything nail related. I barely had time to keep my nails manicured!

Then I took a much needed vacation, and selfishly, I wasn't about to do anything but take some R&R for myself! If you're wondering, the vacation was awesome, and it really helped me unwind.

Finally, I had a family member die recently. I will be attending a funeral next week, so I don't know how that will come to play in my blogging plans. I'm hoping to get up at least one post before then, but if not, I apologize.

Thank you for understanding!


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