Stash Update

Hey girls,

Checking in again. I promise that series I promised and other blog posts will be coming soon. Today, however, I took a little time to go through my stash and update my stash page. I've added over 20 polishes to my collection since the last time I updated this list. LOL! After counting, I see that I've finally reached over 100 polishes, but I can't decide if that's a positive thing! LMAO! Let me know if you girls want to see a haul post of all the polishes I've gotten over the last several months. Stay tuned for that promised series! The goal is to start it next week! Yay! Talk to you girls later!



Hey everyone,

First, let me apologize for abandoning the blog. My life has been insanely crazy over the last several months to the point that I barely recognize it. A combination of boring life stuff and emotional personal stuff has taken a major toll on me. Basically, I just want to move on from all that in any way I can, so I'm planning on committing to my blog again.

I'm looking to bring back the collection first looks and such, but I really want to start doing more swatches to help my stash page be more complete. Speaking of my Stash, it has expanded a bit, and funnily enough, I've barely bought anything from any recent collections. Between a couple eBay hauls, Christmas, and a killer find at Ross, I've added around 15-20 polishes to my collection. If you girls want a haul type blog post on those, let me know. I also have a series planned for August/September, so look out for that!

Thinking of getting into makeup more, and bringing that into this blog as well. I've always loved makeup, but I've never been able to put a collection together much, so hoping to dive into that more in the near future. The only problem I find with makeup is how expensive it can be. It's so much easier to buy a $9 polish than a $50 palette! LOL! But I REALLY want to start experimenting a bit, especially with brands like Sigma, Urban Decay, Too Faced, Benefit, and even MAC.

Hope you girls understand why the blog took a backseat for a while. Life has really done me in so far in 2014. Hopefully, things get back on the right track as best as possible. Looking forward to sharing everything beauty with all of you!

